Junji Ito, the man behind such disturbingly jarring horror manga works such as Tomie, a story about an immortal girl who drives her numerous followers to madness, and Gyo, a story about fish controlled by a sentient bacteria known as ‘death stench’, has recently revealed an update on his newest anime project for Spiral Unto Horror Uzumaki
Spiral Unto Horror Uzumaki is a story that was originally set to premier on Toonami in 2020 but due to various issues a long with Covid-19 complications, it was delayed until Ocotober 2022. Junji Ito is set to voice a character from it but haven’t revealed which one yet. So far, the Uzumaki anime is still slated for am October 2022 release. Well update everyone accordingly if anything changes. I too am excited to see the story come to life in anime.
The Japanese anime cast is as follows per ANN:
- Uki Satake as Kirie Goshima
- Shinichiro Miki as Shuichi Saito
- Toshio Furukawa as Kirie’s Father
- Takashi Matsuyama as Shuichi’s Father
- Mika Doi as Yukie Saito
- Mariya Ise as Azami Kurotami
- Katsutoshi Matsuzaki as Katayama
- Wataru Hatano as Okada
- Tatsumaru Tachibana as Tsumura
- Kouichi Toochika as Yokota
- Ami Fukushima as Shiho
- Gen Sato as Boy 1
- Shunsuke Takeuchi as Boy 2
- Anna Nagase as Girl 1
- Kōsuke Okamoto as Attendee 1
Official update videos :