Hindus are Pissed That Krishna is in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final

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We’ve gotten a statement from Hindu stateman and leader in Interfaith Relations from the Indian Association of Northern Nevada (based in Reno) Rajan Zed, who claims that Hindus at large are very upset with Atlus’ depiction of Lord Krishna (featured above) in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final.

Zed said his appearance in the game “trivializes a highly revered Hindu deity,” and is urging Sega Sammy Holdings CEO Hajime Satomi to not include the god in the game, which is set to release on February 10th in Japan.

Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, said that Krishna wearing a fedora is unacceptable, as he claims its a hat “widely associated with gangsters,” alongside his brown skin – contrasting it to Krishna’s usual appearance – wearing a dhoti and having blue skin.

He also said that controlling Krishna is the opposite of how things work in the Hindu faith, where followers put their destinies into the hands of their deities, not the other way around.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that Zed reaffirmed Hindus pledge to free speech, however they wish faith and things considered sacred would be handled more sensitively in video games.

It’s also worth pointing out that Krishna has appeared in previous games within the series. You can read a part of Zed’s statement over on his official website.

How do you guys feel about Krishna and other gods being depicted in video games? Should they adhere to what their faith entails? Sound off in the comments below!

Editor’s Note: It’s not clear just how many Hindus are upset, but I felt it was worth reporting on.



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