Hideaki Itsuno leaves Capcom after thirty years

Hideaki Itsuno

A longtime producer at Capcom, Hideaki Itsuno, has announced his departure from the company after several decades.

Itsuno announced his resignation from Capcom after 30 years and 5 months this morning, while also confirming he already has a new gig lined up beginning this September.

Itsuno had his start at Capcom back in 1994, the same day Super Street Fighter II Turbo had its location test at a local arcade. Itsuno went for Capcom because it would have been an easy commute. He started as a designer for their arcade games but eventually went on to direct a number of notable titles like Rival Schools, Power Stone, and of course – both Devil May Cry 2 onward and Dragon’s Dogma and its sequel.

Furthermore, Itsuno said he will be working on a new game, in a new environment, and his hope is to create “fun, beautiful games” that are “as memorable” or even more memorable than the ones he made at Capcom.

Here’s the word from Itsuno-san:

I have an announcement for all my followers:

At the end of August 2024, I will be leaving Capcom after 30 years and 5 months. Thank you for your long-term support of the games and characters I have been responsible for. I hope you will continue to support Capcom’s games and characters. From September, I will start developing a new game in a new environment. I hope to create fun, beautiful games that are as memorable as, or even more memorable than, the ones I have created so far. Please stay tuned for my next creation!

Hideaki Itsuno



Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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