Heroes of Star Control: Origins DLC Now Available for Galactic Civilizations III

Stardock Corporation has released new downloadable content for Galactic Civilizations III that is based on their latest game, Star Control: Origins.

The new Heroes of Star Control: Origins DLC is now available for their 4X sci-fi strategy game on PC, via Steam. Fans can expect the new DLC to include four new major factions: the Tywom, the Mowlings, the Free Trandals, and the Mu’Kay – as well as a number of other new pieces of content.

Here’s a rundown on the new DLC:

Greetings, BEST FRIENDS. The Tywom – and other exciting alien species from the Star Control®: Origins™ universe – have come to Galactic Civilizations III! Each alien race brings a new depth of play with unique leaders, ship designs, traits, music and more.

The Star Control Heroes DLC pack introduces the Tywom, Mowlings, Mu’Kay, and Free Trandals into Galactic Civilizations III. All of the new major alien factions come equipped with a unique leader, ship designs, music, and traits that make sense for that race.

Here are the new races you’ll be able to play with in Star Control: Heroes:

Major Factions:

  • Tywom – Hello, best friends! These yellow slug-like aliens would like a hug. They’re slimy, and you don’t want to give them one, but still – it’s all they really want. The Tywom want to be friends with everyone, which makes them great diplomats, and their constant desire for approval gives them a bonus for any other factions who happen to love them.
  • Mowlings – All hail the mighty Jeff! The Mowlings are small, bear-like creatures who worship a mysterious deity they call Jeff. Frankly, they’re a little lost without him, so they spend their time finding new ways to worship him. The Mowlings get a special Temple of Jeff improvement (one per planet) that grants bonuses to influence and approval, and in return Jeff orbits their planets protectively.
  • Mu’Kay – Greetings, federation member! Founders of the Federation for Allied Species, the Mu’Kay are intelligent cephalopods who live entirely in aquatic environments. Their natural intelligence makes them excellent researchers, and their polite (if occasionally condescending) manner lends itself well to diplomacy. Unless you’re a fish. Then prepare to be eaten.
  • Free Trandals – Cast off the shackles! The Free Trandals are the escaped faction of a race that has been enslaved by a malevolent AI known only as Overmind, who uses their bodies to advance its own nefarious purposes. Now, the Free Trandals work to free their brethren and rebuild their lost culture with what little they have left. Possessing a surprising capability (and healthy paranoia) for advanced technology, the Free Trandals are far from helpless both on and off the battlefield. Their warrior instincts may be long buried, but their ships, while few in number, are enormously effective against silicon and synthetic based life forms.


  • 4 new major factions with unique leaders, ship designs, music, and traits
  • Dozens of new ship parts inspired by Star Control: Origins for building and modifying your own ships
  • Several new music tracks from Star Control: Origins
  • New faction traits: Needy, Divine Guardian, Unshackled, Federation
  • New ship designs, colors, and styles

Galactic Civilizations III is now available for Windows PC, via Steam. In case you missed it – you can find our review for the original Galactic Civilizations 3 here (we highly recommend it!). Star Control: Origins is now available for Windows PC, via Steam. In case you missed it, you can find my thorough review for the game here (I highly recommend it!).

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