Helldivers E3 2014 Hands-on Preview

Helldivers is a top down cooperative action game developed by Arrowhead Studios, where a team of four players are tasked with completing objectives in a brutal and unforgiving setting. Working as a team, the four players choose skills and weapons as well as one specific perk, and drop into the environment in “Hell Pods”.  The four players coordinate their route and move out, tackling each objective in whatever order they want.

I was part of a three man team made up of myself, and my two best friends Kevin and Louis.  We had picked our characters, loaded into our Hell Pods, and dropped into the level. It wasn’t soon after this when Louis reminded us that the game always has friendly fire on – he shot both of us with his rail gun and we died.

He died about fifteen seconds later, because he had no idea how to revive us, even though we were both screaming at the top of our lungs. Now hopefully he’ll read this at some point, because in order to use skills and also revive other characters in the game, you press the L1 button in order to bring a list your skills list, and then input a code using the directional buttons to activate the skill.

If you mess up the input you’ll have to start over, meaning that if you are going to use a skill, make sure you do it right.  I really liked this, as it has a nostalgic feel to it of putting in cheat codes for games when I was a kid.

Unfortunately, there was a MASSIVE amount of input lag while we were playing – possibly from wireless interference or the fact the Dualshock 3 controllers we were using had low batteries. Coming from this, it seriously hindered gameplay and our ability to work as a team.

Overall, Helldivers was a very interesting experience, and I can totally see myself picking it up when it releases some point this summer for PS4, PS3, and PS Vita.

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I've been playing games since i was six years old, and they are a huge part of my life. I play every genre I can get my hands on, and I'm not afraid to admit that I'm addicted.

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