Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone Details Menus and Modes

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The main site for Miku’s games has updated with some new screenshots and details regarding the upcoming PS4 release of Project Dive Future Tone this month.

The new port of the Future Tone arcade cabinet appears to mix the arcade version of the game with a console version well. Take a look at the screens and info below.

To begin, we get a look at the main menu for the game. the options seen here are:

  • Rhythm Game
  • Customize
  • Gallery
  • Playstation Store
  • Options

As usual, the Rhythm Game will allow you to play the standard parts of the game. Customize will be where you change modules, hairstyles, items, and some of the gameplay settings (likely things like button hit sounds and such). The Gallery holds your personal scores, leaderboards, and that sort. You can access the PS Store through the menu here to purchase extras like any new DLC songs and modules that may release later. And, of course, Options is where you’ll edit the game’s options.

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The next image (above) shows the track selection screen. There are five difficulty levels that can be seen in the game, ranging from Easy to Extreme, and then Extra Extreme. Furthermore, some songs this time won’t have Easy or Normal levels of difficulty but will only have Hard and up. And, as always, Extreme and Extra Extreme will be unlocked by beating the same song on Hard.

While you’re browsing the tracks, there’s also other options to check out. You can change difficulties of course, but also turn slide controls on or off, see the different characters that are involved in a track if there are more than one, check out your old scores, and more.

With the new Extra Extreme difficulty modes, it’s a good thing Future Tone offers some good practice modes.

When you’re in Practice, you’ll be able to freely set where you start in the song if you’re having trouble conquering a particular riff, and even tone down the speed of the song to better understand those difficult runs.

And, finally, the new details about the game covered the PV Viewing and Photo Shooting mode.

Future Tone has a mode completely dedicated to watching the PVs for the various songs and even grabbing some awesome pictures from the videos. With the easy sharing allowed with the Share button on PS4, you can easily shoot and share the pictures you like.

The pictures you take can also be used as backgrounds for the game too!

The upcoming PS4 rhythm game is set for a release in Japan via the PlayStation Store on June 23rd. There are three parts to the game; the first part is “Prelude”, which is free and includes 2 songs. “Future Sound”  is the second part, featuring songs from the Pject diva series, and part three is “Colorful Tone” which focuses on Project Mirai and Arcade tracks. Both “Future Sound” and “Colorful Tone” are paid packs, which together will add up to the 223+ songs and 340 modules that will be in the full game.

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I'm a pretty chill guy. Huge video game fan, but a bigger anime fan. I also love to write - obviously.

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