The upcoming anime series Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World (Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo) will air with three different versions. These versions will differ based on varying degrees of censorship as appropriate for the platform they air on.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen an anime series air both censored and uncensored, but it can get tricky when North American licensors get involved. Last year, Redo of Healer released in a similar way but fans were confused which version they’d be tuning into. The situation was ultimately clarified by HIDIVE as a “less” censored version but not the fully uncensored one.
In a recent tweet, the team behind Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World explained their release strategy. There would be a TV version with censored audio and video, a “Harem” version with censored video, and lastly a “Super Harem” version that will remain uncensored.
どうぞお楽しみに!#異世界迷宮— TVアニメ「異世界迷宮でハーレムを」公式⚔現在放送中!📺 (@isekaiharem_ani) June 13, 2022
While in the case of Redo of Healer, Sentai Filmworks took steps to try and provide fans with the less censored version; Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World has been licensed by Crunchyroll. At the time of publishing it’s unclear if Crunchyroll will provide the uncensored, or even the less censored version of the anime when it comes to the platform.