Gushing Over Magical Girls season 2 in production

Gushing Over Magical Girls

The second season of Gushing Over Magical Girls (Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete) is officially in production.

According to the news blog Anime Rave, the second season has begun production. Hopefully we’ll be able to expect a premiere date soon.

The series focuses on protagonist Hiiragi Utena, a normal middle-school girl that loves magical girls, only to become transformed into a magical villainess that takes sadistic joy in torturing magical girls. Despite her admiration of magical girls, she enjoys being in a position where she can get up close and personal with them.

The series is known for its risque content, which usually poses a problem for series that are brought westward. Thankfully the popularity of Gushing Over Magical Girls has helped it receive an English release thanks to HIDIVE, and even the manga has gotten published over here thanks to J-Novel Club.

The original Gushing Over Magical Girls anime season premiered back in 2024 via AT-X in Japan and later on Tokyo MX and others, though it came in different versions due to its sexual content.

The Gushing Over Magical Girls anime came in its original TV version, the partially uncensored “gushing” version on streaming platforms, and the fully uncensored “ultra-gushing” version on Blu-ray and DVD disc. HIDIVE simulcasted the original Japanese run and is now streaming its “gushing” version.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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