Gushing Over Magical Girls is getting an English print release

Gushing Over Magical Girls

Gushing Over Magical Girls is getting an English print release courtesy of J-Novel Club and thanks to the support of English-speaking fans.

The series follows Utena Hiiragi, a young girl who admires the Magical Girl genre. However despite her admiration she’s chosen by the forces of evil to become the villainess Magia Baiser.

With the anonymity of transformation, Utena awakens to her desires and takes them out on the magical girls she’s long since admired.

“Hi, I’m Hiiragi Utena. I’m a normal magical-girl-loving middle school girl—or at least I was, but then some talking mascot showed up out of the blue and cast a spell on me! Now’s my chance to join my beloved magical girls as…a villain? Hang on, something’s wrong with my outfit! This can’t be happening! Watch this shy magical-girl fan transform into a sadistic dominatrix! When good and evil collide, who will be the one to submit?!”

– J-Novel Club

The series received an anime adaptation last year and was recently greenlit for a second season. The series is censored on most platforms due to its graphic content.

The manga has been solely online for now, and it’s uncertain if the manga will be censored for western audiences when it comes to print. However we don’t have any reason to believe that J-Novel Club willingly censors their releases. In fact, J-Novel Club users appear to be among the most diligent when it comes to calling out censorship elsewhere in the industry.

Fans hold more power than we realize when it comes to supporting niche titles.

The first volume of Gushing Over Magical Girls will hit shelves in July 2025.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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