Gunfire Games addresses Remnant 2 performance issues

Remnant 2

Remnant 2 released to positive reviews (including our own), but it seems that the game still has some issues to work through.

Gunfire Games released an open letter talking about the game’s bugs and performance issues, and how they understand it can be frustrating for the community to deal with these things.

You can read the announcement below:

We launched Remnant II on July 25th, and we are humbled and grateful for the overwhelming positive response from the community. Your support and enthusiasm for Remnant II have been truly inspiring. We are aware that a small portion of players have encountered some bugs, ranging in various levels of severity.

We know that encountering bugs and glitches can be frustrating and can hinder your excitement for the game. We take these issues incredibly seriously, and our team is working to identify and address these issues as quickly as possible.

Since we’ve launched, we’ve already addressed some early issues that have popped up such as progression blockers in the Labyrinth and Nightweaver’s Web and issues with the Waterharp Puzzle. We will continue to work to deliver fixes for remaining issues over the coming days and weeks.

Some of the issues we are currently looking at:

  • Improving overall performance
  • Addressing crashes and issues with higher end systems
  • Addressing issues with the trait system
  • Other Progression blockers and missing items
  • And other fixes!

Thank you for your support and understanding. We are determined to make Remnant II an unforgettable adventure for all players, and we will continue to refine and improve the game.

-Ben Gabbard, Development Director

We also reported on players with a specific Intel graphics card having issues with the game, but it’s nice to know that Gunfire Games seeks to fix these issues.

If you are curious about Remnant 2, you can read our review right here.

Remnant 2 is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Microsoft Windows (through Steam).

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Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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