Conservative pundit Glenn Beck bans daughters from dating gamers

Glenn Beck

Conservative radio host and owner of the Blaze TV Glenn Beck has recently been causing controversy by once again making statements against gamers.

It started in a previous interview with fellow conservative host Liz Wheeler, who herself caused controversy earlier this year by calling male gamers undatable, after which Wheeler questioned him on his opinion on gamers.

Beck readily agreed with Wheeler, saying that he has banned both of his daughters (one of whom is only 18) from dating gamers.

He went even further later, saying, “I wouldn’t allow my daughter to date a man who collects figurines either,” calling both hobbies equally “weakening” to what it means to be a man.

With the initial interview getting ratioed on social media platform X, Beck continued making anti-gamer statements, comparing men who play games every day to women who are “addicted to TikTok.”

He continued making disparaging statements on his radio show throughout the week about “weak men” who, in his view, were “so obsessed with playing video games that they weren’t noticing the people trying to plug everyone into a video game against their will.”

This is referring to a conspiracy theory that Mark Zuckerberg and other elites at Silicon Valley are plotting to enwrap the world in a Ready Player One-style simulation.

Glenn Beck’s opposition to video games as a hobby have come as a surprise to new fans of his, but old listeners to his radio program know that this is nothing new. Glenn Beck’s distrust of games goes as far back to at least 2008, where he slammed Grand Theft Auto 4 as violent propaganda.

At that time, he accused leftists of trying to scapegoat guns for school shootings, when it should be video games that are targeted by federal regulators instead. And in 2014, Glenn Beck accused Watch Dogs of “teaching kids how to hack” due to fact that you play a hacker in that game.

Glenn Beck’s criticism of violence in video games was echoed by former GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick of Texas after a shooting in Dayton, Ohio left 29 dead, with McCarthy proposing a ban on the sale of violent video games to teenagers. 

Glenn Beck wrapped up his thoughts on gamers by declaring that women who do date gamers are ignoring what nature intended the role of men to be, but due to woke girls defying nature, it is up to right-wing dads to ensure that their daughters don’t date men who game or who collect figurines.


Pro-Goblin has a question for you: Do you think the goblin girl in the avatar is cute? If yes, then you should be pro-goblin too. Stop hating on my friends. The genocidal elf regime that insists an entire race can be evil must be stopped!

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