Classic Capcom sidescroller and infuriating retro classic Ghouls & Ghosts holds a special place in most gamer’s hearts, and it was considerably well-liked by indie developer Casual Bit Games‘ daughter, who asked to be inserted into the title.
Out of that plea comes Battle Princess Madelyn, an adorable off-shoot of the original game that adds a female protagonist and some *even harder* levels to leap through.
You can get the details straight from the developer’s official announcement:
- That being said – the prototype is pretty much the full 3 stage playable training tutorial and the full 3 stage first level of the game! The player graphics are 90% finished. I think 6 or 7 different Enemies, 2 bosses. But that’s far from what we’re planning. Depending on the story, we’ll aim for 7-8 Levels of game play each with 3 stages. Tons of cut scenes! And for the hard core GNG fans there will be a “Loki” Mode where you can (like in the original GNG) get sent back to the start of the game to replay it again to get a different ending. But the twist here is that you have to play as Daddy (who’s graphics are about 90% completed as well) with a slightly altered version of the stages as you can only use Daddy’s cursed sword (Insanity’s Blade)!
Having been made with Unity, Casual Bit Games expects to release the game on PC first, with console releases to hopefully follow in the future. You can follow Casual Bit Games’ progress on their official twitter account.