Fully rendered genitals found in Watch Dogs 2 – Ubisoft only removing ladybits


Now that Watch Dogs 2 has been released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, users have been naturally documenting literally anything they can in Ubisoft’s new sandbox hacker-themed game.

One such user, Goron2000 on NeoGAF, discovered that fully-rendered vaginas and penises are in the game. He first discovered the above scene when “accidentally” blowing up a female NPC with a city gas pipeline. Upon further inspection, he noticed masterfully-crafted female genitalia, in full 3D.

Following his publishing of this find on the internet via his PlayStation 4’s sharing functionality, Sony actually banned his PlayStation Network account. While they’ve since rescinded his ban, Ubisoft is now looking into the matter and is actually readying a patch to remove the offending naughty bits, next week.

It remains to be seen if this only affects “the one female NPC” as Ubisoft reports, or if there are other NPC models in-game that just haven’t been discovered to be completely rendered, if you know what I mean.

The strangest thing from this report is the fact that fully-rendered male genitalia are in the game, and Ubisoft’s statement made no mention of removing those.

“While Watch Dogs 2 is a mature-rated game, we apologise and will update this NPC model to make it more consistent with other NPC models in the game in a patch to be released this week,” reads their statement.

“We also are working with our first-party partners to ensure that players can continue to play and share all content from the game within the bounds of the first parties’ respective codes of conduct.”

Watch Dogs 2 is currently available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One – the PC release is coming on November 29th.



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