Full Reveal for Harvest Moon: Connect to a New Land

Famitsu has shown off their full reveal for the latest entry in the Harvest Moon series, titled Harvest Moon: Connect to a New Land. The game is in development for the Nintendo 3DS, and it’s being developed by Marvelous AQL.

harvest moon linking the new world ss 1 harvest moon linking the new world ss 2

A big change from this game in comparison to previous entries in the series is that the protagonist, male or female, is not returning home to their hometown to help save a dying farm. Instead, you find the protagonist bored and looking for excitement in the beginning of the game. Seeing a flier for a farm needing an extra set of hands, the protagonist applies right away and is accepted.

After this, you set out for Oaktree Town, the name of the new town, and quickly get accustomed to your new life as a farmer. Gameplay in Connect to a New Land is similar to previous entries, meaning you’ll be harvesting crops, taking care of livestock and of course – shipping goods for profit. Help is always around the corner, whether it’s in the form of the young boy Fritz, the elegant Elise, or old lady Edda.

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These other farmers can be your friends as well as your competition, meaning you’ll always be busy either seeking kinship or an edge over your rivals.

Another neat addition to the game is the ability to go to a safari, where you can see wild animals just living in nature. The confirmed animals so far are angora rabbits, parrots and reindeer, which you can see some art for below:

harvest moon linking the new world parrot art 1harvest moon linking the new world reindeer art 1harvest moon linking the new world angora rabbit art 1

The amount of animals in the safari will increase as you progress throughout the main story. You can also check out some art for the aforementioned farmers mentioned above below:

harvest moon linking the new world fritz art 1harvest moon linking the new world edda art 1harvest moon linking the new world elise art 1

Harvest Moon: Connect to a New Land is set to come out in February of next year in Japan, for the 3DS



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