Fukuoka Cop Arrested for Clogging Up Womens’ Public Toilets And Watching Them Get Mad

Just when you think the internet has showed me all it has to offer, I turn over another rock and am amused once again. A local Japanese cop has been arrested for repeatedly clogging womens’ public toilets, only to watch them get mad.

Sergeant Takashi Atsuchi of the Fukuoka Prefectural Police was arrested (via Hachima) after a 3 month reign of toilet terrorism, on September 29th. Only toilet paper was used to clog the toilets, and some required professional plumbers to clear. Can you imagine how much he had to use?

The man started to raise suspicions when multiple accounts of a ”strange man lurking outside the bathrooms” was reported from many convenience stores.

The cop would sneak into the toilets, plug them up, then creepily leer into the stores and watch the women complain to the managers. I don’t know if the dude was enjoying the debacle too much, or if it was a drawn out practical joke.

He’s facing charges of burglary along with his employment, as he was promptly terminated from the police department he worked for.



Community Manager and Social Media Meme amoeba for Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. I lurk in too many communities to count.You've seen me around probably. Currently working in the tech support industry and like to play bideogame on my time off.

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