Fruit of Grisaia Dev’s New Game Corona Blossom Announced, Western Release Set

corona blossom 03-17-16-1

Frontwing, the Japanese independent developer behind The Fruit of Grisaia series, has announced their new game.

Dubbed simply Corona Blossom, the game will get a digital PC release on Steam before its physical release in Japan. Featured above, the first image for the game was released.

Key staff working on the title include character artist Nanaca Mai (illustrator for the SD art for the Grisaia series) and Yuhi Nanao (scenario writer who worked on Hatsuru Koto Naki Mirai Yori, or Hatsumira, From the Future Undying). The duo previously worked together on Yukikoi Melt.

The game will include English subtitles, with translations being handled by their in-house team, which includes native English speakers.

Further details are scant, however the game’s official website will launch in April.



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