From the Creators of Olli Olli Comes Not a Hero

Highlighted last night during PlayStation’s press conference at E3 2014, the makers of Olli Olli unveiled their newest game, Not a Hero. Not a hero is a retro-inspired old-school side-scrolling shooters of the past, featuring very interesting attributes. Players will shoot, take cover, and slide to defeat a city riddled with crime.

In this fictional city, described as Gotham without Batman, crime has run rampant and a funny little politician, known as Bunnylord, wishes to lead the city. In the game, player will be poised with specific challenges. As you complete these challenges, the poll ratings go up and allow for more progress for the characters and into the city. Through the fun and intuitive gameplay, players can expect repeat gameplay through this diverse and incredible world.

Hot off the heels of the resounding success with Olli Olli, Roll7  is incredibly ambitious with Not a Hero. Expect for a release in 2015. Check out the full post on PlayStation Blog.

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Growing up on the shores of Long Branch, Roberto has developed quite a few skills in the field of radio broadcasting, writing, blogging, and photography.

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