Friday Contest: Giving Away 5 Copies of Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity

It feels like forever since I have been able to do a post on the front end with all of the E3 2017 madness going into overdrive as I am mainly planning for next months festivities.

With that said, we have a couple of contests lined up for you all in the coming weeks. Normally this will be done via the Niche Gamer YouTube, but this week will be a sort of soft launch.

So our friends at Good Old Games have blessed us with 5 copies of Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity, meaning we will be giving away 10 games to our fans. Obviously these games are set aside for the PC Master Race, but fear not my friends, we will have some console contests down the line as well.

What do you have to do to win? Super simple, take a screenshot of you being subbed to our YouTube by going to the  Niche Gamer YouTube page and taking a simple screen shot and posting it in the comments below. Winners will be picked at random using a random number generator.

Contest ends Thursday June 1st, right before we run our next contest the following Friday.

We will be getting back on the bandwagon next week with more reviews and video content as E3 planning will all be just about finished. Good luck.



Media, Marketing, Reviews, Interviews, and more. I do terrible things so you don't have to. Doing LIVE coverage of E3 to Tokyo Game Show for the last 10 years.

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