Forspoken sales have been “lackluster,” Square Enix admits

Forspoken Lackluster Sales Thumbnail

Forspoken was one of the first big major AAA titles to launch for 2023. However, it seems that for its budget and marketing, sales figures of the title are disappointing for publisher Square Enix.

During their financial results briefing for Q3 FY 2023, they discussed how Forspoken had fared since it’s launch on January 24th. They revealed that reviews were “challenging” and sales for the game were “lackluster.”

Because of the lack of sales, they did expect to see downside risk for investors of the company. They maintained a positive outlook though, saying that the positive reception to the game’s action sequences will “lead to improvement of [their] development capabilities of other games in the future”.

This briefing was held on February 3, 2023, which was only a couple weeks after the game’s launch. More importantly, though, this occurred before the announcement that Forspoken developer Luminous Productions is being shut down and folded back into Square Enix.

Whether they knew that at the time this would be their next course of action is unknown, but they do use a similar phrase “medium-term objectives” in this briefing when talking about the game as they did when confirming they will shut down its separate development team.

While the development team won’t be around come May 1, 2023, Forspoken is still available Windows PC (via Steam, the Microsoft Store, and the Epic Games Store) and PlayStation 5.

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