Van Helsing, the action RPG series developed by Hungarian-based Neocore Games, has quickly developed a cult following amongst the hack-n-slash crowd. So quick in fact, that after only a year, the third (and presumably final) part of the planned trilogy has already been revealed.
The gameplay trailer’s main job is to show off two of the new classes in the sequel, the Phlogistineer and the Umbralist. The Phlogistineer is essentially a soldier in a giant mech suit who employs explosive attacks to destroy large swaths of enemies and puts up a very futuristic-looking shield to defend himself. The Umbralist, on the other hand, is much more subtle and uses stealth and supervision to subdue opponents.
The remaining four classes, which can’t possibly get any more insane than a giant steampunk mech with rocket launchers, will be shown in upcoming videos.