First Trailer for Cargo-Hauling Sim “Truck Driver”

Publisher Soedesco and developer Triangle Studios have shared the first trailer for Truck Driver.

Featured above, the debut trailer gives the first look at gameplay in the upcoming cargo transportation simulator.

Two important aspects highlighted are “the variation of clients and cargo,” as well as “the focus on career progress in the game.”

Here’s a rundown on the game:

When you inherit a truck from your uncle, you decide to take your chance and move to a new city. Here, it’s up to you to make a name for yourself and earn the respect of the local community. Drive through a seamless open world, work with all kinds of people ranging from a constructor to a lumberjack and honor your uncle by making it as a Truck Driver!

Key Features:

  • Enjoy a trucking experience focused on your career as a truck driver
  • Build stronger relationships with the local community with each job
  • Customize your truck with tons of parts and tune it to your liking
  • Explore a vast open world and watch it progress with you
  • Navigate through beautiful landscapes and fully explorable cities

Truck Driver is set for a release across Windows PC (via Steam), PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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