Final Fantasy XVI PC port launches in September

Final Fantasy XVI PC

Square Enix has finally confirmed a Final Fantasy XVI PC port is coming soon after months of teasing an end to its PlayStation exclusivity.

The new Final Fantasy XVI PC port is launching on September 17th via Steam and the Epic Games Store, for $49.99 and a “Complete Edition” for $69.99 will be available with both DLC packs “Echoes of the Fallen” and “The Rising Tide.”

A playable demo is also available on the game’s Steam page. Final Fantasy XVI has been available on PlayStation 5. Check out our review here!

Here’s a rundown on the new PC port, plus a new trailer:

The first fully fledged Action RPG in the mainline Final Fantasy series.

An epic dark fantasy world where the fate of the land is decided by the mighty Eikons and the Dominants who wield them. This is the tale of Clive Rosfield, a warrior granted the title “First Shield of Rosaria” and sworn to protect his younger brother Joshua, the dominant of the Phoenix. Before long, Clive will be caught up in a great tragedy and swear revenge on the Dark Eikon Ifrit, a mysterious entity that brings calamity in its wake.

  • Titanic Clashes – When rival Dominants come head to head, epic battles between their Eikons ensue!
  • Eikonic Action – Clive utilizes the powers of multiple Eikons in breakneck battle!

From Strength to Strength

A plethora of powerful swordplay techniques and Eikonic abilities lie within Clive’s remit—and it is up to you to decide which ones you wish to learn or upgrade. If you’re having trouble choosing, upgrades can be unlocked automatically.
Story-focused mode is recommended for those players who are less comfortable with action games and wish to focus more on the game’s story elements. In this mode, Clive will automatically evade some attacks, and epic Eikonic combos can be triggered with simple button presses. Action-focused mode, where Clive’s every action is controlled by the player, is available for those who are confident in their skill—or want to test it.



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