Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition Director Apologizes for Technical Issues and Server Capacity, Details Planned Updates

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition

Square Enix have announced they are aware of technical issues in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition, and have announced their planned updates.

Director Araki Ryoma stated in his “message from the developers” that the team had received a lot of feedback since launch. He stated the developers “are moving to address all the issues raised as quickly as we can, but I must apologize for the delay in making an announcement about the situation.”

At launch, some were unable to play due the servers being at capacity. “We ran maintenance to increase that server capacity on August 29,” Ryoma states, “which has led to comparatively stable running thereafter. Going forward, we will move to address any further server issues as required.”

Ryoma states that the team “would also like to release rapid updates to address the bugs that are getting in the way of players’ experiences with the game and are working on the update schedule announced above.”

“We are also looking into making further updates in addition to those detailed above, once we have reviewed player feedback, and will make further announcements once the update content has been finalized. I must again apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers and beg your understanding as we try to put things right.”

After thanking fans for their continued support, Ryoma shared a list of planned updates across all platforms; planned to launch between mid and late September. You can find that list below.

All platforms

  • Fixes for the issue where players will count as already having spawned an unknown element hotspot after being matched with a player who has spawned one and completed a dungeon in multiplayer.
  • Fixes for the issue where items can be obtained infinitely.

iOS and Android versions

  • Improvements to the frequency of freezes during loading.

In addition, the following new feature is also scheduled:

All platforms

  • Ability for the hosting player to skip boss introduction cut scenes and myrrh drop scenes in multiplayer.

iOS and Android versions*

  • Ability to skip boss introduction cut scenes and myrrh drop scenes in single play.

These updates are scheduled for release between mid and late September. The specific release date will be announced once all details have been finalized, so please watch out for further information/future updates.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition is available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Android, and iOS. You can expect our review soon!



Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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