Fight Alongside Superhero Detective Nikola Tesla in Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning, a Steampunk Visual Novel

Manga Gamer has announced at this year’s Anime Expo that Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning, a steampunk visual novel, is going to be officially licensed and localized. Developed by liar-soft, this is the first officially licensed steampunk visual novel in the west.

Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning 07-04-14-1 Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning 07-04-14-2

The story within Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning is set within an alternate history, where Earth is connected to a strange planet named Kadath. Kadath is eerily similar in both physical relation and naming convention to H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamworld, where the castle of Kadath lies in wait.

From this planet, humans discovered Engine technology, which naturally provided an entirely new way of life and survival, rapidly advancing the technologies of humanity. This came at the cost of Earth’s environment, however, leaving most of the world horribly polluted.

Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning 07-04-14-3 Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning 07-04-14-5

Within the game you fight alongside famed scientist Nikola Tesla (because who can make a steampunk game without involving Tesla), who has been empowered by electricity and engine technology to near superhuman capabilities. Tesla and crew travel to an independent scholarly city, the Academia, on a man-mad island, just off the coast of Marseilles.

As the superhero detective and scientist Nikola Tesla, you have to deduce what has been plaguing the school, its students, and potentially all of humanity as you discover secret societies and various foes that might even include mechanized terrors!

A release date was not confirmed, but we’ll keep you guys posted.

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