Fate/Grand Order producer is going independent

Fate/Grand Order producer is going independent

We’ve learned the Fate/Grand Order producer is going independent alongside his departure from DELiGHTWORKS last month.

Creative producer Yosuke Shiokawa departed from the Sony-owned company at the end of January 2021 to form his own game development studio (via Bloomberg). The Fate/Grand Order producer is going independent with his new studio, Fahrenheit 213, and will focus on making new IPs instead of working on existing franchises or IPs.

“I plan to focus my career on creating new game franchises for any platform, regardless of their size,” Shiokawa said. “Going independent opens up many opportunities to partner with other companies.”

Shiokawa originally joined DELiGHTWORKS back in 2016 to help bring Fate/Grand Order back into the good graces of the series’ fans, following its troubled launch. His oversight was key to the mobile game becoming a massive success, raking in billions of revenue.

It’s worth nothing previously Shiokawa previously worked at Square Enix since 2000, where he worked on Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II, as well as Dissidia Final Fantasy.

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