Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves reintroduces Rock Howard in a new trailer

Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

SNK Corporation shared another character trailer for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves reintroducing Rock Howard, a mainstay from both Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters.

Here’s a blurb on the character, plus his new trailer:

Rock Howard – English Voice Actor: Griffin Puatu, Japanese Voice Actor: Yuma Uchida

Born to Geese Howard, raised by Terry Bogard—Rock’s very being is one of mixed emotions and internal conflict. Despite having lived a new life with Terry, one day Rock finds himself facing off against a foe who claims to know about his past—namely his birth mother, and the fact that she is very much alive. Armed with this new information, the troubled youth resolves to find his own way through life—and fight on in order to make that happen.

English Trailer

Japanese Trailer

Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves will launch sometime in early 2025 for Windows PC (via Steam and the Epic Games Store), Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PS5.



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