Famitsu to Host Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament, Sony to Participate

Famitsu’s Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament will begin November 22nd, featuring employees from numerous companies- including Sony Interactive Entertainment.

The “Famitsu Presents Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Cross-Company Game Tournament in Tokyo Odaiba Oedo Onsen Monogatari” will feature Japanese employees in team-based matches- two members from each company working together.

The employees hail from Sun-Star Stationery, Sugiko, StylingLife Holdings PlazaStyle Company, Zoff, Taisho Pharmaceutical, Tokkyo Chou (the Japanese Patent Office), Lovegraph, and most curiously of all- Sony Interactive Entertainment.

The tournament’s grand prize is advertising space in Weekly Famitsu- no small deal given the outlet’s reputation as Japan’s number one gaming magazine.

The event will be held at Tokyo Odaiba Oedo Onsen Monogatari (an onsen based theme park), where those attending the park can watch. For everyone else, the event will be broadcast on YouTube and Niconico on November 22nd at 8pm JST (3am PST, 6am EST).

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now for Nintendo Switch. In case you missed it, you can find our thorough review for the game here (we highly recommend it!)

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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