Humans. It’s amazing and extraordinary to see where things have come and where we are now. Through triumph, defeat, life, and death, we’ve made it to the very moment that we stand in right now at this very second. Millions of years of evolution, a meteor strike, ice ages, and natural catastrophes couldn’t stop our pursuits to the present. But even now, there is so much more that we can’t figure out, most especially in how we communicate with the world.
There are introverted people and extroverted peoples. Those who hate being alone and those who love time to oneself. In all the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, a common, recurring theme in our heads continuously tell us that everything happens for a reason, that nothing is truly a coincidence as every action is a chain reaction. For PlayStation gamers, they can experience and decipher these traits of humanity in a newly announced game, Pillar.
Pillar is a series of mini-games inspired by psychology and social interactions. Of course, instead of taking some kind of hard-core, obnoxiously long, and down-right silly standardized tests, Pillar tells this interesting level of human thought-processing through a series of stories and min-games. Each player embarks on a specific story, unique to a character, along with the mini games that are played. Michael Hicks, the designer, programmer, and musician of the game, elaborated on the kind of mental and artistic designs brought into such a unique title.
I’m also a fan of psychology, one way of looking at this game is as a representation of the Myers-Briggs self-assessment test; every psychological preference in that test is represented in the game. While this isn’t a science, I’m often amazed at how insightful the results are into how I, and also my friends and family, work internally. The idea of experiencing how other types of people make decisions and operate through gameplay excites me, since this is something the test alone can’t do. ” The rest of his statements can be found here on PlayStation.Blog
The game is expected to be released sometime later this year, 2014. The game is being designed by MichalArts. Follow Michael on Twitter for more updates on Pillar. An remember the words of Mister Rogers. “You can grow ideas, in the garden of your mind. It’s good to be curious about many things. You can think about things that are make believe. All you gotta do is think. And they’ll grow.”