Experience the Saga Prefecture via the SaGa Franchise

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Remember that mysterious SaGa 25th anniversary teaser website that Square Enix put up? Well, it’s fully revealed now and the results may not be quite what you or I were hoping for.

The teaser was for a collaboration between the SaGa franchise and the Saga Prefecture within Japan, a project called “Romancing 佐賀“, or “Romancing Saga,” in English, but with the word Saga written as you would the Saga Prefecture and not the SaGa game franchise.

The goal of this collaboration is to allow visitors to experience the wonders of Saga Prefecture, namely its products, traditional crafts, all through the lens of the SaGa series. Sounds interesting at least huh?

The actual event will happen at the “Romancing Saga Lounge” in the Roppongi Hills Cafe/Space in Tokyo, not in the prefecture itself, from March 13th to the 16th. While entry is free, loads of art from the series will be on sale.

Romancing Saga Premium Night will occur on the night of March 16th, in which Square Enix executive producer Akitoshi Kawazu, composer Kenji Ito, series illustrator Tomomi Kobayashi, and Saga Prefecture governor Yasushi Furukawa will all host a talk show together.




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