Exoprimal will add variant exosuits and more in new update


Capcom’s Exoprimal is set to release a free update on August 16th, which will add many new features to the game, including new suit variants.

Here’s a rundown on the new update:

On August 16, free Title Update 1 comes to Exoprimal and with it 10 new Alpha Variant exosuits, one for each current suit – no one’s missing out!

Each Alpha Variant exosuit has new playstyles, weapons, abilities and looks! We’ve spoken to the game’s director, Takuro Hiraoka, and got a deeper look into one of the suits, Skywave.

The concept of the variant suits is giving them different weapons to bring new range and strategy to each one compared to the base suits,” he explained before going into more detail using Skywave as an example.

By default, Skywave has abilities that allow it to attack or interfere with enemies while healing allies, including its default weapon the Aether Lance, and the active skill Optics Jammer. So the main strategy when using this Exosuit is deciding whether to be attacking or healing at any given time.

However, the Alpha variant’s main weapon is the Tempest Lance, which allows you to choose between two different moves depending on whether or not you’ve charged the attack up: an offensive attack or a charged bolt which hampers enemy movement. This means players will have to switch between using their main weapon on enemies and their active skill when they want to heal their allies. So, all in all, you have to get into quite a different strategic mindset with the Alpha, which I think should be a lot of fun.

Skywave is categorised as a Support suit, but the Alpha variant has less of a focus on healing, so I expect to see this lead to some changes in team composition as well as players rethinking their rig loadout to perhaps add in more support functions.

Every exosuit is set to receive a variant that will completely change their gameplay style and give more variety to the game’s matches. You can read our full review for Exoprimal here.

Exoprimal is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and Microsoft Windows (Through Steam).



Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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