EVOTINCTION gets new story trailer for its near-future dystopia


Publisher Astrolabe Games and developer Spikewave Games shared a new trailer for EVOTINCTION, their new stealth-action game.

“The Spikewave Games team is composed almost entirely of die-hard stealth game fans,” Spikewave Games founder Gu Xingyan said in a press release. “Ever since we first started working on Evotinction, we have been committed to exploring a unique near-future dystopian setting that lets us tell a gripping story and explore cool, futuristic tech with the potential to enrich the stealth genre. I hope you will agree that Evotinction delivers on that promise.”

Here’s the new trailer:

Here’s a rundown on the game:


A Fruitless Pursuit of Eternity. A Glimpse of Evolution and Extinction. A Solemn Song of Life.

STORY – Near Future Dystopian Sci-Fi

Near Future.

A virus of unknown origin invaded the network of an isolated, self-sustained research facility and community named HERE. Inevitably, the core unit of the highly-advanced AI system that runs the facility got infected.

As a result, those harmless service robots went out of control and started to attack humans. Dr. Liu, Head of R&D at HERE and one of the designers of the system, decided to go back into this lost facility to search for possible survivors while attempting to identify and fix the underlying issue.

GENRE – Futuristic Tactical Infiltrate Simulation

A one-man infiltration into an AI-controlled rampart. Utilize the kaleidoscopic hacking skills the doctor masters to cope with adversaries. Disable the security system remotely, rewrite IFF IDs, or manipulate rogue AI’s behaviour….. Do what you can to avoid any unnecessary encounters. Make your way in stealthily and neutralize all threats one by one. Go deep into the heart of the facility to face the core crisis!

ENEMY – Core Crisis, Machine Awakening

“Genie” – those everyday service robots will be your most common opponents. Each of those service robots has its routine patrol, and the AI system behind their behaviours also coordinates the efforts of those robots to maximize their efficiency.

In addition, the doctor will encounter certain killer robots specially-designed to neutralize any threats to the core system as he gets deeper into the facility. Could this all be attributed to the infected AI? Or there might be other unknown causes hidden behind? All will be eventually revealed along with the doctor’s investigation…

COMBAT – Tech-Augmented Hack-and-Slash

Not your traditional protagonist, Dr. Liu, an ordinary researcher who had absolutely zero combat training, will have to infiltrate the facility on his own. Not a specialist in melee combat, nor a slick gunslinger, the doctor is just an average joe when it comes to “combat”.

However, as a tech-savvy researcher, he is able to hack, disrupt, and manipulate all these rogue AIs to guide himself through this dangerous automated facility. Long-range Signal Disrupting, Radio & Electromagnetic Jamming, Hologram Illusion, Malware Implant, System Takeover, IFF Spoofing…… Make use of the doctor’s full arsenal of gadgets to hack a way inside and out!

EVOTINCTION is set to launch sometime next spring for Windows PC (via Steam), PS4, and PS5.

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