Evolutis: Duality Preview – 2D cyberpunk action-adventure

Evolutis: Duality Preview

Are you a fan of My Time at Sandrock or the Exophobia demo? At PAX East 2024, we had the opportunity to meet with PM Studios to preview some of the games that they will be publishing.

At the booth, attendees could try out Pipistrello and the Cursed Yoyo, Cricket: Jae’s Really Peculiar Game, Skopje, Extremely Powerful Capybaras, ZOE Begone!, Evolutis: Duality, Dragon is Dead, Krimson, Let’s School, Exophobia, and Captain Toonhead vs the Punks from Outer Space.

Due to limited time in our schedule, we only had time to check out Skopje & Evolutis: Duality. How were these two games and what are they about? Get our thoughts on Evolutis: Duality below:

Players take control of protagonist Chelsea Williams, a professional fighter based in the fictional yet cyberpunk city of Fenghai. While Chelsea has a tough outward demeanor her main focus in life is supporting her sick father.

The on-demand support for her father is what drives Chelsea to take up work as hired muscle, when corrupt and criminal groups leverage her fighting talents. Throughout  the game Williams will seemingly face tough choices in a story rife with deception and mystery.

The cyberpunk 2D side-scrolling gameplay was thrilling in the first chapter; however, the second chapter was a bit frustrating.

The second chapter had multiple bugs between bots being hypersensitive, I had the protagonist somehow falling off the map, and I even experienced instant death.

The first level focused primarily on combat refluxes and countering the enemy while the second was a stealth level.

The core gameplay was fairly simple to understand however, the refluxes of the AI in the 2nd level became rather aggravating.

An inch too far would trigger the enemy to kill. Killing an enemy in the wrong way would alert the guards and they’d never reset.

The core gameplay on top of the art style makes Evolutis: Duality seems like it will be a fun game to play but that really depends on how they fine-tune the game before publishing.

If all enemies have hair-trigger refluxes, then the game will feel like a grind and players will lose interest rather quickly.

The main character, Chelsea, is definitely a selling point but a poorly written story around her can make people either view her as eye candy or lose interest entirely.

Evolutis: Duality is in development for Windows PC (via Steam), though it currently has no release date.

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Hardcore gaming enthusiast, cosplayer, streamer, Tall Anime lover (6ft 9), and a die-hard competitor. I have been a Pop-Culture Journalist since 2011 specializing in shooters, Pokemon, and RPGs.

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