EN-EINS PERFEKTEWELT Anastasis second trailer

EN-EINS PERFEKTEWELT Anastasis second trailer

Developer SUBTLE STYLE shared the EN-EINS PERFEKTEWELT Anastasis second trailer, alongside the first info for the fighting game.

EN-EINS PERFEKTEWELT Anastasis is actually an enhanced version of the previous game, EN-EINS PERFEKTEWELT. The original reveal likened the game to something of a sequel. A release is set for sometime later in 2022 for Japanese arcades.

Furthermore, game center KO-HATSU and developer SUBTLE STYLE are co-sponsoring a crowdfunding campaign to finish the game’s development. If the funding goal isn’t reached, SUBTLE STYLE will return all funds and proceed to finish the game themselves.

Here’s some more tidbits of what to expect with the new enhanced release:

  • New character “Electric Light Soldier (tentative)”, new stage, new background music
  • Training mode added
  • New main character illustrations, UI, etc.
  • Additional revisions to the storyline
  • Balance adjustments and bug fixes

Here’s the EN- second trailer:

For now, you can visit the game’s official site here.

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