Eke Out a Living as a Pirate in Forsaken Isle

Forsake Isle is somewhat of a mix between a survival simulator, a straight up sandbox, and a pirate-themed RPG.

The game is currently in alpha form, and has been Greenlit by the Steam community on September 3rd. Featured above, you can view a short overview trailer for the game, depicting how you’ll survive the forsaken island as a pirate.

Forsaken Isle is being developed by one man, Benji Parr, and the title is already sporting an insane number of things for you to interact with. In total, you can discover and or craft over 200 items in a completely randomly generated island.

If you want to get your hands on the game’s alpha build immediately, head on over to its official website, where you can buy the game for £2.99, or roughly $5 dollars.



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