EA Apologizes for “Unacceptable” and “Stupid” Series of April Fool’s Tweets

While there have been quite a lot of jokes and crushed dreams flying around this April Fool’s Day, some of the jokes have gone a bit too far (as usual), but this time it was a company literally trashing another company, even if it was originally meant to be in good fun.

Regardless of whatever the poster of the series of tweets’ original intentions were, the reaction was almost unanimous – they simply went too far. I’m talking about the three tweets that EA’s official Frostbite Twitter account posted earlier today, saying:

“Good news, we have finally fixed and optimized our ‘netcode’. Uses quantum entanglement for Zero Latency connections. Exclusively on #WiiU.

Frostbite will power #HalfLife 3, coming out summer 2014! #WiiU exclusive.

Frostbite now runs on the #WiiU since it is the most powerful Gen4 platform, our renderer is now optimized for Mario and Zelda.”

These tweets have since been deleted, but the damage has already been done, and someone has probably either been reprimanded or fired.

While the latter may be going too far over a crass tweet, it was serious enough for EA’s COO, Peter Moore, to actually made a public apology via his official Twitter account:

“Our apologies to partners @NintendoAmerica & fan @FrostbiteEngine ’s poor attempt at April Fools not condoned by EA : unacceptable/ stupid”

Now while EA has publicly stated that they currently have “no games in development” for the Wii U later last year, Moore did later clarify that Nintendo “never have been, and never will be, ‘dead’ to EA.”

Personally, I felt it was a bit much, although I’m a huge fan of comedy in all its forms, so I don’t really believe in that “politically correct” line that lots of people adhere to. What do you guys think – did that joke go too far?

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