Dungeon Sweeper is a dangerously addicting indie Japanese take on Minesweeper

Dungeon Sweeper

A recent guilty pleasure of mine is a recently released indie Japanese game called Dungeon Sweeper, a fresh take on the classic Minesweeper puzzle game.

Developed by indie Japanese developer Setamo (you have probably seen their jaw-dropping pixel art reposted by people), Dungeon Sweeper is a new and fresh take on Minesweeper, and you can even play it free right now on your PC.

Controls are simple: left click reveals a new tile in your map and any subsequent nearby tiles (it varies pending its relation to previously revealed tiles), right click+drag moves the map around, and A toggles on autoplay.

The key difference between Minesweeper and Dungeon Sweeper is the former generally is a barebones puzzle game with mines you have to uncover and avoid clicking on – the latter has expanded upon this formula with a fresh coat of paint.

Dungeon Sweeper is a fantasy-esque take on the style, swapping mines for dungeons, which you still have to gingerly uncover by revealing tiles around each dungeon. There’s three difficulty levels (from top to bottom) in the main menu at the beginning of each session: easy, normal, and apocalypse.

As you explore and reveal more in Dungeon Sweeper, more biomes spawn – with the final biome appearing after you hit 10,000 points. The menu and the seemingly discoverable locations on the map are all in Japanese, though the game is largely playable regardless.

You can also right click+hold to place flags, a feature that when applied to where you expect a dungeon exists – once the dungeon is revealed – also spawns cute monsters that get you even more points, a new gameplay mechanic for the retake on the classic formula.

The monsters vary from simple slimes to bats, mimics, zombies, skeletons, treants, and even living snowmen! Every time I play I seem to discover new monsters so I’m not sure how many there are in the entire game.

While the origins of the original Minesweeper are debatable – Microsoft’s version came out in 1990 and popularized it by being included in every Windows install, though its creator says it was inspired by a now-forgotten game.



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