Drecom teases new game with “are you hungry” site and more


Japanese developer Drecom has released a new teaser website alongside new artwork and more for a new game they have in development.

The new teaser site features the tagline “Are you hungry?” and has artwork of a rotten, wilted tree with a small bird-like creature standing in front of it. It also features the text “Let’s go find creatures that have spread all around the world!”

Social media accounts on Twitter/X were launched for the new game in both English and Japanese, both of which have posted more artwork and have a pinned post that warns to not push the big button otherwise “a terrifying creature will escape.”

Clicking on the button/link takes you to the teaser website where a mock social media profile is shown, a creature presses the button again, and little creatures explode out of the screen.

A full reveal is planned for January 15th – we’ll report on the new game.


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