Dreams of Another adds PC version to 2025 release

Dreams of Another

Co-developers Q-Games and Baiyon have announced Dreams of Another, a new third-person adventure game where you create instead of destroying.

Dreams of Another is coming to PC (via Steam) alongside its previously announced PlayStation 5 with PlayStation VR2 support (via the PlayStation Store) version sometime later in 2025.

Here’s a rundown on the game, plus a new trailer:

Baiyon, the director of PixelJunk Eden and a multimedia artist, presents his latest artistic endeavor in the form of this life-affirming game set in an ephemeral dream world.

Dreams of Another is a third-person exploration-action game built around the philosophical theme, “No Creation Without Destruction.” Rather than destroying objects by shooting—as in traditional shooting games—here, your shots materialize and create the world. This unconventional mechanic offers a gameplay experience that challenges the norms of the genre and invites players into a whole new dimension.

Key Features

  • Innovative gameplay where shooting doesn’t destroy but creates.
  • A dream world rendered through unique point cloud technology.
  • A poetic story centering on “The Man in Pajamas ” and “The Wandering Soldier,” featuring conversations with peculiar characters and objects.
  • Humorous lines spoken by various sentient objects offer an offbeat, amusing, yet thought-provoking perspective on human society, the nature of the world and more.
  • A unique, experimental soundtrack crafted by director Baiyon himself.
  • Revolutionary point cloud experiences available on PS VR2.
  • Fully immerse yourself in the vividly detailed point cloud world, thanks to the stunning resolution of the PS5 Pro Enhancements.

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