Dragon Quest Liquid Metal Slime becomes an electric floor cleaner

Taito has announced they’ve converted the iconic Dragon Quest monster Liquid Metal Slime into a brand new electronic floor cleaning machine.

While diehard Dragon Quest fans are likely collectively opening their wallets and purses to order the Liquid Metal Slime cleaner, you’ll be sad to know it’s only available in arcades in Japan as a prize to win (via 4Gamer).

The Liquid Metal Slime cleaner runs on batteries, will patrol your room(s) and clean up dust and debris, and even has the ability to turn around if it hits obstacles. It measures around 6cm around and is now available in arcades across Japan.

If you’re unable to go to arcades in Japan there is the ability to play Japanese crane machines online via our friends at Crane Game Toreba, who also naturally have the new Liquid Metal Slime cleaner up for grabs.

Originally designed by the beloved late artist Akira Toriyama, the Dragon Quest Slime become an icon for the series and quickly got numerous other iterations like the aforementioned Liquid Metal Slime.

This is Niche Merch. In this column, we regularly cover merch and toys from games, anime, geek culture, and more.

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