Dragon Quest Creator is Teasing a New Playstation-Related Announcement

yuji hori 05-26-15-2

With the 30th anniversary for the Dragon Quest series coming next year, creator Yuji Horii and the rest of his team at Square Enix have been working hard at promoting the latest game in the series – Dragon Quest Heroes.

Now, we’ve learned that yet another Playstation-related announcement is coming, via an interview with Korean website Korean website Ruliweb (which saw a Japanese translation via Hachima Kikou, which we translated).

The most interesting part of the interview is when a note is made regarding Dragon Quest VIII, that it’s been over a decade since a new (numbered) game within the series has been released on a Playstation console. They asked Horii if a new game in the series would be released on a Playstation console, to which he replied:

“I can’t say much for now, but I might announce something about this in the future.”

Dragon Quest Heroes is coming west some time later this year, while Dragon Quest Heroes II is already confirmed for PS3, PS4, and PS Vita.


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