Dragon Fin Soup is Playable on PlayStation 4 at the Playstation Experience next Month

dragon fin soup 11-12-14-1

Five man indie team Grimm Bros. have confirmed that Dragon Fin Soup, their roguelike strategy RPG, will be playable at Sony’s PlayStation Experience next month.

“Grimm Bros is honored to be selected as a top tier indie that will be showcased at the debut Playstation Experience in Las Vegas! Although we are a veteran team, this is our first title as a studio. Sony has seen the potential of DFS and we deeply appreciate the opportunity to share our hard work with the gamer community. We will have our latest build of Dragon Fin Soup ready for attendees to play on the PS4!” said Ash Monif, CEO of Grimm Bros.

The PlayStation 4 build will be on display, where you’ll be able to sample the classic JRPG-inspired game filled with colorful characters, challenging gameplay, and dark and twisted humor. Dragon Fin Soup has been Greenlit on Steam, and it saw a successful Kickstarter campaign in March of this year.

Dragon Fin Soup is also coming to PC, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation 3. PlayStation Experience is running from December 6th to the 7th.



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