Dokapon: Sword of Fury remaster announced

Dokapon: Sword of Anger

Japanese developer Sting has announced Dokapon: Sword of Fury, a new remaster of the PlayStation One entry of their RPG boardgame series.

Dokapon: Sword of Fury is in development for Nintendo Switch and is based on the 1998-released game of the same name, developed by Asmik Ace Entertainment. It is the third entry in the Dokapon franchise and was never released outside of Japan.

Dokapon: Sword of Fury is launching for Nintendo Switch in Japan on August 1st.

Their previous remaster, Dokapon Kingdom: Connect, has been available for Windows PC (via Steam) and Nintendo Switch.

This is Niche Imports. In this column, we regularly cover games that haven’t been announced for western audiences yet.



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