Discotek Media announces new 2025 releases

Discotek Media has has announced its “Very Big Discotek New Year’s!” Event where new anime licenses they acquired to be sold physically get announced.

First on the list is Cyborg 009 Vs. Devilman, quite the strange crossover but still a fun watch nonetheless. It’s all 3 episodes in Japanese as well as the Netflix English Dub.

Ever think these two of all things would cross-over?

For 2025 they have mostly new stuff to announce.


They’ve announced on blu-ray, the alternate universe sequel to City Hunter called Angel Heart from 2005. Native HD and first time being on bluray anywhere. It’s all 50 episodes in Japanese with English subtitles coming in 2025 for purchase.

Next on their list is a whopping TWENTY-TWO upcoming releases for their 2025 schedule. These titles are SD-Bluray so sadly not in HD but..

Osomatsu-Kun! (specifically the 80’s version) in Japanese with English Subtitles with more details to come in 2025.

Then, it’s Flame of Recca, an all-time favorite of mine, personally. All 42 episodes subbed and with the classic English dub PLUS clean OP/ED & promos. Quite cool.

For those who remember Discotek Fan Discs, they’ve created another.

The publisher also released an exclusive clip on their Twitter of Space Adventure Cobra: The Moviespecifically the Space Adventure Cobra: Special Yello Dubbed Version.

This is the famous UK dub with the Yello Soundtrack coming in full high-definition, which also includes an interview with Andy Frain from Manga Video UK.

Next up is more Lupin the 3rd

Specifically first off, Lupin the 3rd: The Live Action Moviewhich gets a new trailer:

Finally arriving in the US on bluray with multi-language audio and full Japanese Version.

Subs include non-English and Full English options for multi-language plus Full English for Japanese Audiences.

They’ve also shared a preview of the case insert. Shows cast image on reverse and disc label.

They’re teasing more Lupin the 3rd news to come.

They are thanking Digimon fans for being number 1 on Amazon Movies & TV charts for an unspecified amount of time. It was number 9 for ‘all’ Blu-rays.

And uh… Highlander: The Animated Series.. yeah.. Here’s a trailer:

It’s all 40 episodes of the cartoon adaptation of the Movie series. One of many releases to be SD-BD. Has closed captions but no other extras, release for 2025.

Also, (a cartoon I’ve actually never watched..)

King Arthur & the Knights of Justice

Features 26 episodes, corrected audio for an episode that previously had errors. Once again, SD-BD, coming 2025.

They also have.. Stone Protectors (you know, that one weird as hell Trolls Spinoff? No I’m not joking.)


It’s all 13 episodes in English, closed captions and no other extras. They’ve cleaned up the image quality and to release 2025.

Oh no.. It’s the awful American Darkstalkers animated series (for the love of god please watch the Anime OVAs instead).


Comes with all 13 episodes. Extras to be announced at a later time. Has a 32-bit inspired Menu on disc.

I will admit these are nice throwbacks to the actual games’ artwork.

And with Darkstalkers comes the American Street Fighter Animated Series (You know the one with the famous Bison screaming YES meme?).

This has all 26 episodes, closed captions, some actual cool bonuses like an Art Gallery, all with commentary Track by YouTuber Matt McMuscles w/ Brady, Maximillian Dood, Justin Wong, Arin Hanson aka Egoraptor, Alex Le, Lythero, and GuileWinQuote. Quite the lineup!

Some previews of the packaging:

And yes, they made sure to show the YES meme scene in all it’s glory. Also.. STORYBOARDS!


Now onto Tokusatsu Time aka “Toku-Time”

Kamen Rider X!

Kamen Rider X comes to Blu-ray in the US for the first time. Extras include an essay by @Mach_Dent, interviews with Ryo Hayami and Kazuo Niibori, and a gallery. Comes in 2025.

Kikaider: Ultimate Human Machine

(Watch the 2000 Anime OVAs when you get a chance)

It’s the 2014 Movie Reboot in Japanese with English subtitles. Also known as ‘Kikaider Reboot’. Bonus Features will be announced at a later date, to arrive in 2025.

Special Investigation Robo Janperson

All 50 Episodes in Japanese with English Subtitles. Extras include a promo clip, variant next-episode preview clips. Arrives 2025.

And now they will announce more anime.

Vivid Strike

Nanoha spinoff with those familiar with Nanoha to spot some familiar faces.

Extras include previews, promos and more.The bonus OVAs and Nanoha ViVid are unfortunately unavailable to Discotek for this release.

All 12 episodes in Japanese with English subtitles along with a new magical girl named Fuka Reventon. Bonus features include next-ep previews, promos, and TV commercials. Arrives 2025.

And now for a totally cute and non disturbing classic..

Higurashi: When They Cry!

Has newly revised subtitles with all 26 TV episodes in Japanese with English subs as well as English Dub, also has Clean OP/ED clips. Arrives 2025.

Now Live Action films..

Nihon Nights

(no images shown)

They previously released a movie from this franchise.. it’s Terrifying Girls’ High School: Delinquent Convulsion Group (quite the title..)

I swear it’s not what you think..

They’re announcing 3 films in this series that have previously gone unreleased by Discotek: Women’s Violent Classroom, Lynch Law Classroom, Delinquent Convulsion Group

Tomorrow’s Joe the Movie

Bonus features to be announced, coming in 2025.

Nana and Nana 2

First time in HD in North America, with extras to be announced, each film a separate release in 2025.

Hana Yori Dango Final

The finale of the Yoko Kamio manga, with extras to be announced at a later time in 2025.

Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl (no it’s not some obscure prequel to Shark-boy and Lava-girl I assure you.)

Features include: teaser, trailer, TV spots, Outtakes, interviews w/ director Katsuhito Ishii, and stars Tadanobu Asano and Shie Kohinata. Arrives in 2025.

The Happiness of the Katakuris

This reminds me of something..

Takashi Miike’s musical horror comedy (who you should watch all his films because they’re fantastic..) is back on Blu-ray.

Extras include commentary by Takashi Miike, a making-of animation featurette, trailer, and TV spots, plus interviews with cast and crew. All of this comes in 2025.

A list of Discotek’s most recent releases:

Back to Anime

Digimon Adventure 02 is coming next month (2/2025) remastered and upscaled using AstroRes like previous Digimon TV releases. There’s also more AstroRes upscales announced for the future.


Entire series is upscaled using AstroRes. Has Japanese Audio and English Dub. Subs have been cleaned up. Also has Clean OP and ED clips as extras. Comes in 2025.

A list of what to expect in February:

  • Photon: The Idiot Adventures
  • Chie the Brat Series 2
  • Star Musketeer Bismark
  • Cutie Honey
  • Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS
  • Digimon Adventure 02 (Japanese subbed version)
  • MXC: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge volume 2
  • Special Rescue Police Winspector


Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend

To be honest this is so out of left field but I’m here for it (and so are you as long as you’re 18+).

Truly a “work of art”

Alas that’s the end of this Discotek release stream. (I’m totally not crying in a corner because Video Girl Ai somehow didn’t get announced..)

Discotek releases can be purchased on Crunchyroll, Amazon, and MediaOCD store. Titles can be streamed on Crunchyroll and Amazon. Their newsletter can be subscribed at discotekmedia.com They have active social media on Bluesky, Twitter, Facebook, plus others.

Did you get anything you wanted this time? Let us know in the comments below!


Just a guy who appreciates classic anime, games, and especially cute elves.

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