Hand-drawn RPG Diceomancer announced


Originally created for a game jam, Diceomancer comes back as a robust full release.

Diceomancer is set to release on Microsoft Windows (through Steam). Anyone who is currently attending the Tokyo Game Show 2023 can try out the demo.

You can view the announcement below:

Developed by Ultra Piggy Studio and published by Gamera Games, the roguelike card game DiceOMancer made its debut today on the Gamera Games Now Tokyo Game Show 2023 special program. DiceOMancer released today its announcement trailer, along with its Steam store page — if you’re a fan of roguelike card games, add DiceOMancer to your wishlist now and look forward to its official release!

Originally known as Dice Is The Way, DiceOMancer participated in the GMTK Game Jam 2022 and ranked in the top 20 out of more than 6,000 entries. The game follows the story of a protagonist known as the Fishing Master, who unexpectedly gets caught up in combat while on a fishing trip. With no choice but to navigate a world where swords, magic, and firearms intermingle, they seek a way to return to their peaceful everyday life.

Within the game, players can progressively unlock cards of five different attributes and choose three of them to build their initial deck. What sets this game apart from others in the card game genre is the unique power of dice that the player holds. This power allows you to change various numbers on the screen, such as enemy stats, your own HP, and card effects. Your imagination sets the limits, and the power of the dice is infinite! Combine this with your card deck to strategize and engage in exciting battles.

The game’s unique art style is particularly eye-catching, featuring entirely hand-drawn battle animations that add both realism and vibrancy to the game. You’ll encounter a wide variety of enemy characters, including a large goose met along the roadside, soaring eagles, friendly wild boars, and mysterious robed figures. Every action in the game is hand-drawn frame by frame, offering players a fresh combat experience.

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Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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