Remember when we teased an awesome new game by some talented folks from Portuguese developer Nerd Monkeys?
Well, we finally have something to show you guys. Nerd Monkeys is hard at work on a hard boiled detective/adventure game with a lot of humor, titled Detective Case and Clownbot in Murder in the Hotel Lisbon.
The game will feature the main character, Detective Case, going around and trying to find clues to help him solve a mysterious murder that recently plagued the Hotel Lisbon. He’s accompanied by his trusty sidekick Clownbot.
Pictured above is an example of how an interview in the game could go bad – interviews will be a crucial aspect of the game as they will help you gather more clues as to who the culprit may be.
The game is pixelated, but it definitely has a retro cartoon look, like something you’d see out of the late 80’s and early 90’s. I’ve spoken to producer Diogo Vasconcelos about the inspiration of Case’s look, his design was inspired by a character from one such cartoon.
The game is ultimately meant to capture that classic feel, both in style, presentation, and gameplay. You won’t be getting random genres shoehorned into Detective Case and Clownbot, the game is focused on giving you an awesome crime solving experience.
All of the characters will dialogue represented in classic old text boxes. Overall I’m loving the humor I’m seeing in the game, it seems to not take itself seriously at times, and it’s pretty refreshing to know they’re just focusing on it being fun.
Detective Case and Clownbot is coming to PC, Mac and Linux later this year. Nerd Monkeys have mentioned DLC being a possibility in the future, although they’re just focusing on getting the game done and shipped this year.
The reveal trailer for the game will be released on September 9th, and you can see more art and the full FAQ for the game on their website. All of the art from this article can be found on their site as well.