Destroy All Humans! E3 2019 Hands-on Preview

Destroy All Humans is one of the most entertaining games to have come out during my childhood. From the silly style of the game to its weird gameplay, this franchise was a definite cult classic and for good reason.

Over the years people have been begging for anyone who held the rights to the game to bring it back and allow us another chance to experience Crypto’s wacky adventures. Finally, it has fallen to THQ Nordic to take up that mantle and bring about the destruction of humans in a full remaster of the original Destroy All Humans and I could not be happier.

I had a chance to play the pre-Alpha build of the game at E3 2019 which was limited to only 15 minutes of gameplay, barely enough to even start scratching the surface. But I saw enough to know that this is exactly the way that a developer should remaster a game going forward.

The Destroy All Humans remaster is not just a facelift, but it is also slight tweaks to the game itself to make it flow and work better compared to the original. Controls and certain abilities have been updated in a fashion that still keep with the original, but make them function better at the same time.

After I put down my controller I took a moment to think over my experience and I came to the conclusion that if you are a fan of the Destroy All Humans, you are going to be more than satisfied with this game. Controls feel awesome, psychic abilities are still hilariously fun, and the humor is just as dumb as it always is.

My demo was only the beginning mission of the game. Crypto lands at a farm and begins to dictate to the local cattle that they are now the servants of Furon Empire. The scene looked great with the new updated graphics and lighting and despite being in my mid-twenties still made me laugh when he said, “They eat with their mouths?! I think I’m going to be sick”.

The demo ended with the arrival of the Gmen. Therefore it was so short that I did not get to see any of the really fun tools in Crypto’s arsenal. After I was finished with the missions, I was given a time challenge to see how many hillbillies I could kill in under a certain amount of time.

It was a perfect way to end my time with demo as the timer would end 3 seconds before my demo time ended. I had a blast running around the farms zapping rednecks or throwing them around with telekinesis, or even better picking one of them up with telekinesis and targeting another and killing him with his own buddy.

Talk about two rednecks with one stone, am I right? (Please don’t send me hate mail). When the demo was over, I was happy and now I can not wait for the full release. While I may not be the biggest Destroy All Humans fan, I know plenty of people who love it and I can not wait to see how excited they are playing this updated classic.

While some remakes are taking the path of completely building a new experience, I think it was a safer better for the devs behind this title to ensure that the do the series justice by sticking with what they know people want.

The only thing that stood out to me while I was playing was that I think that the pre-Alpha build was still using the original game’s audio, which felt dated and out-of-place.

Even then, the dated voice acting added a lot to the game’s charm and if they are unable to get the original voice cast back together to reprise their roles in the final version of the remaster, I would not mind them keeping this original voices all together.

Destroy All Humans! is launching across Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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Tyler was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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