An anime series based off the Deep Insanity multimedia franchise titled The Lost Child premieres this upcoming October.
Deep Insanity began as a manga series in 2020 with art by Etorouji Shiono whose previous work includes Shinken Kisou Musashi Dual and Winged Mermaids; among others.
The series follows the events after a mysterious disease seemingly spreads out of Antarctica, the disease leaves victims in a coma, and individuals who have gone to investigate the disease have never returned.
A synopsis from MyAnimeList can be found below.
One day, a large hole named Asylum is discovered in Antarctica. At the same time, the mysterious coma-inducing illness Randolph Syndrome begins spreading around the world. Many countries sent an investigation squad to the asylum, believing it to be the cause of the disease, but not a single person safely returned. Sergiu Sol, a boy with a special resistance to the disease, and Antarctica’s jack-of-all-trades Hildegard Olympiada Yamada, decide to take on the challenge of the large hole without a map, but…!? What is the cause of the coma-inducing disease? What in the world is the Asylum? Go down to the deep, jet-black bottom, one with insanity.
A trailer for the series can be found below.
Deep Insanity The Lost Child will premiere this October as part of the Fall 2020 season.