Deathverse: Let It Die getting remade into new game that combines LET IT DIE

Deathverse: Let It Die

Japanese developer Supertrick Games has announced they’re remaking Deathverse: Let It Die into a completely new game that combines elements of their previous game, LET IT DIE.

The totally new third game will combine the best parts of both Deathverse: Let It Die and LET IT DIE, game director Hideyuki Shin confirmed in a new developer diary published today.

“We’re remaking Deathverse currently, and development is coming along nicely,” Shin said. “But we are making good progress.”

When asked for more details, the above screenshot was revealed as a work in progress of the new game. Shin noted they’re looking to please both fans of LET IT DIE and Deathverse.

The talk also dove more into how much of the game will be inspired by Deathverse: Let It Die and how much of it will be like LET IT DIE. Shin noted it’s not a direct sequel but it will be more like LET IT DIE.

Deathverse: Let It Die was previously delisted and shut down back in July 2023 to revamp the game – with an attention to lag and matchmaking issues. This new game is remaking the game entirely as a new game.

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