Deadly Premonition Creator Working on Detective Story Where Masturbating = Solving Mysteries

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While Hidetaka “Swery65” Suehiro’s D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die is joining his cult hit Deadly Premonition on PC this June 5th, we’ve learned what his next potential game might be about.

Speaking with Metro’s GameCentral, Swery confirmed that he is always thinking of returning to Deadly Premonition.

“Deadly Premonition is always on my mind. But I have no idea what form it’ll take, when it’ll appear, who I’ll work on it with, or how I’ll present it,” said Swery when speaking of returning to the themes which made the game so iconic. “The only answers are in the coffee.”

Swery revealed that he’s penning a story for a new game akin to what fans experienced in Deadly Premonition. However, it hasn’t gotten positive reactions from the publishers he’s shopped it around to. Here’s where things get a bit odd, if not hilarious:

“Aside from that, I’m also working on a story about a high school girl detective who uses the imagination (fantasizing) energy from masturbating to help her solve murders. But all the publishers keep telling me ‘There’s no way we could put out such a perverted game!’ [laughs]”

He seems very confident in the project, as he closed with saying “I wish someone would let me make it.” In case you missed it, we reviewed Deadly Premonition on PC, which you can find here.

Would you like to see this game made by Swery? Sound off in the comments below. Kickstarting fan-driven games by Japanese visionaries seems to be all the rage these days, so you never know!



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