David Cage: Having Two Consoles is “Confusing” for Developers and Players, Most Developers will “Focus on the Lower-End Version”

Xbox Series X

Games designer, Founder and CEO of Quantic Dream David Cage has discussed the negatives of having two versions of the same console; reportedly focused on the Xbox Series X and S.

In an interview with Wccftech, Cage stated his dissatisfaction with the all-digital console. His concerns came from fears the console would require developers to essentially develop for two different consoles wit different specifications.

“Many developers prefer consoles to PC because on consoles you only have to deal with one hardware, whereas on PC there are so many configurations, graphic cards, drivers, controllers etc. that makes the development much more complex.

When a manufacturer offers two consoles with different specs, there is a strong chance that most developers will focus on the lower-end version to avoid doing two different versions. I must confess that I am really not a big fan of this situation. I think it is confusing for developers, but also for players, and although I can understand the commercial reasons behind this choice (a difference of €200 on the street price) I think the situation is questionable.

Regarding Quantic Dream, as we develop our own technology and engines, we are determined to optimize our titles for each platform. Being now a PC developer, we are implementing scalable features based on the platform, which is very helpful to highlight what the hardware has best to offer.”

While Cage’s quote seems to apply to any console with two versions (which can also include the PlayStation 5 and its Digital Edition, or the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite), Wccftech reports as though this quote was discussing the Xbox Series X and S. At this time of writing, the full interview has not been released.

The Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S launches on November 10th, for $499 USD and $299 USD respectively. As previously reported, the Xbox Series S has a 512GB SSD instead of the 1TB of the X. The Xbox Series S also supports Velocity architecture, up to 120 fps, 1440p, DirectX Raytracing, 4K upscaling, and streaming 4K media playback.

The next-gen console did have at least one problem due to its name. The Xbox One X rose 747% up Amazon’s sales charts when pre-orders for the Xbox Series X launched.

Image: Streamable

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Ryan was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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